Art In A Shoebox

Art In A Shoebox

Thursday, August 29. Today’s art is my logo design I did for my “Art in a Shoebox” project I am doing at my shop on September 20 and 21.

The Art in a Shoebox Project showcases local artists for a limited time in an unusual space. Molly’s Cobbler Shop will become a “pop-up” art gallery for two days this September. Trading off shoe repair to showcase four local artists. The repair shop will become a gallery overnight.

Food Art

Food Art

Monday, August 26. Tonight’s art project is in the form of food. A BLT made with tomatoes from the garden and lettuce and bread from the farmers market along with grilled Mac and Cheese. A delicious work of art!

Art day

Art dayAugust 24. Ok, so my Saturday post may seem a bit weird. It is. I spent the day working at my shop which I kept open until 8pm during the block party being held in front of my shop. There were bands, food and I had a sidewalk sale going on at the shop. Well, as the day went on, I visited with customers and friends and had my share of beers. After closing, I went out for a few more beers, when it occurred to me I hadn’t done my art project for the day. So my beer induced project turned out to be a picture taken at the bar.